Posts Tagged: Obese Pets April 18, 2018 by Rocklin Ranch Veterinary Hospital Is Pet Weight Gain a Seasonal Phenomenon? How to Slim Down This Spring When it’s cold, wet, and possibly slippery outside, it’s hard to muster any enthusiasm for daily jaunts around the block. It might not make that much difference to some dog owners, but reducing or restricting outside exercise can negatively affect a pup’s state of mind – and silhouette. Pet weight gain is common during the […] A Healthy New Year: Tackling Pet Obesity in 2018 It probably comes as no surprise that the most popular New Year’s resolution is to get healthy or lose weight. Many of us could stand to eat a little better and move more, and the same could probably be said for our animal companions. The rise in pet obesity rates over the past several years […] Pet Weight Loss: Making 2017 the Best Year ever for Your Pet Many of us start a new year with a list of resolutions aimed at improving our health. We ponder lofty goals, such as losing weight, quitting smoking, and finally reading War and Peace. But, how about considering a new approach to your pet’s health and wellness alongside your own aspirations? With the obesity epidemic on […]