Recognizing Signs of a Pet Emergency

Sometimes as a pet owner it can be hard to know when to worry about our pets and when something is no big deal. Understanding the difference between a true emergency and a situation that can wait for a regular veterinary appointment is crucial for your pet’s health and safety.
At Rocklin Ranch Veterinary Hospital, we’re here to help you navigate these moments of uncertainty. Here’s what you need to know about identifying pet emergencies and when to contact us for help.
Signs of a Possible Pet Health Emergency
While some symptoms may seem minor, they could signal a serious issue. Always err on the side of caution if your pet shows any of the following signs:
- Persistent vomiting or diarrhea (more than two episodes in less than 24 hours could indicate a serious issue)
- Sudden lethargy or depression
- Weakness or staggering
- Lack of appetite or thirst for over 24 hours
- Difficulty breathing
- Unusual urination patterns like struggling to urinate, urinating uncontrollably, or bloody urine
- Behavioral changes like aggression, confusion, or other unexpected changes
- Pale gums
Pet Situations That Are Always an Emergency
Some situations demand urgent care regardless of the symptoms. Do not pass go, call us or the nearest pet emergency room right away if your pet experiences:
- Trauma including like being hit by a car or being in a fight (even if your pet seems fine)
- Known electrical shock
- Seizures (especially if it’s the first occurrence or if there are multiple seizures in a short time)
- Known toxin ingestion
- Swallowing a foreign object like a toys, bones, or other non-food item
- Prolonged bleeding
- Heatstroke (common in the Texas heat and requires immediate intervention)
- Eye injuries or issues
- Broken bones or difficulty walking
- Birthing complications
Preparing for Pet Emergencies
During an emergency, staying calm is vital. Handle your pet gently and carefully to prevent further injury. It is important to recognize that scared or painful pets may bite or scratch. Be safe and gentle.
It is a good idea to make yourself familiar with pet first aid. The American Red Cross offers an online training program, and there are many good books and websites available. You should also consider assembling a pet first aid kit—which can also serve as a thoughtful gift for fellow pet lovers.
For potential poisonings, contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center for expert guidance. If your pet requires care after hours, Rocklin Ranch Veterinary Hospital can direct you to trusted local emergency facilities.
We hope you and your pets stay healthy and emergency free. If you’re ever uncertain about your pet’s condition, though, don’t hesitate to contact Rocklin Ranch Veterinary Hospital. Your peace of mind and your pet’s well-being are our top priorities.