Why Do Cat’s Knead?

Why Do Cat’s Knead? If you share your life with a cat, you’ve probably witnessed their adorable kneading ritual, sometimes referred to as “making biscuits.” With a rhythmic press of their paws, much like a baker working dough, they transform soft surfaces—a favorite blanket, a furry companion, or even your lap—into a comforting haven.
Kneading, or “making biscuits,” is a classic and endearing feline behavior. While it’s enjoyable to observe, you might be curious about the underlying reasons. The team at Rocklin Ranch Veterinary Hospital can provide insights into why cats engage in this unique activity. Thankfully, the team at Rocklin Ranch Veterinary Hospital is here to shed some light on why cats knead.
Why Do Cats Need To Knead?
Most cats knead, but not all cats do it in the same way or with the same frequency. Cats don’t typically stick to one surface when kneading, either. In fact, you will often find them using whatever surface is close when they need to express their content. From furniture to a kitty sibling, anything is fair game when it comes to making the biscuits.
While most cat experts agree that kneading usually is a physical display of happiness, there are are other, more targeted, explanations as well:
Natural Instincts
Nursing kittens will knead, or paw, at the teat area to get the milk flowing. This pleasant memory is imprinted into the cat and recreated later in life through the motion of kneading when they are feeling completely at ease.
Cozy Behavior
It is no secret that cats like to be comfortable. In the wild, they achieve this comfort by moving around leaves, debris, pine needles, and other materials to make a warm nest. When they knead in your house, they’re looking to achieve the same result, they are just starting out with more comfortable materials. Kneading is one of the signs of a happy cat.
Territory Markings
Like many other species, cats like to mark their territory to let others know to back off. They do this by scent marking with their paws and claws. Although your cat might have a very peaceful look on his face as he kneads, his intentions might be a little more “this is mine” than “I love my life.”
Showing Love
Cats might seem standoffish, but we know they love us. Kneading is their way of saying, I love you the best. If a female cat hasn’t been spayed, she will knead as she goes into heat. This kneading is a way to signal to males that she is ready to mate.
Kneading can also signal that something is wrong with your kitty. Cats sometimes knead if they are ill, are losing cognitive abilities due to age, or have anxiety. If the kneading becomes chronic, call us for an examination to ensure your kitty is in good health.
Identifying Abnormal Kneading Behavior In Cats
Changes in kneading frequency, such as excessive kneading or a sudden reduction, warrant veterinary attention. These changes can indicate your cat is experiencing pain or stress, and kneading is their way of seeking comfort. To ensure your cat’s well-being, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.
Pro Tip – Trim Your Cat’s Nails
Manage your cat’s kneading by trimming their nails regularly to minimize scratches on your skin and furniture. For a comfortable kneading experience, use a blanket as a protective layer. This allows your cat to express their natural behavior while preserving your connection.
At Rocklin Ranch Veterinary Hospital, we think making biscuits is one of the cutest behaviors our feline friends engage in. If you have any questions about why cats knead or any of their quirky behaviors, call us to schedule an appointment, please call us.