Holiday pet safety can help prevent a holiday pet emergency

Few things can ruin a holiday meal or celebration faster than a pet emergency, and easy access to the many foods, decorations, and other potentially dangerous seasonal items can put your pet at risk this time of year. That’s why the team at Rocklin Ranch Veterinary Hospital has put together some helpful tips for holiday pet safety.

Too Many Temptations

Big meals and gatherings centered on food are a given during the holidays. This also means food-related pet emergencies are common this time of year. While it can be easy to slack off when it comes to supervising your pet around people food, it’s important to make sure all food is kept out of reach and stored securely. Also double check that garbage bins are covered to prevent any post-meal snacking.

Resist the temptation to feed your pet table scraps, and ask your guests to do the same. Even small amounts of fatty or greasy food can lead to a dangerous and painful condition called pancreatitis.

When Greenery is Involved

Beautiful plants and greenery are staples of holiday decorating, but certain traditional plants are toxic if ingested by pets, including mistletoe, holly, poinsettia, and lilies (highly toxic to cats). Keep these decorations out of your pet’s reach or, better yet, opt for artificial varieties.

Christmas trees, along with all the dangling baubles and twinkling lights, can be particularly alluring to pets. Make sure your tree is secured or weighted down to prevent a disaster. Also keep pets away from the water at the base of live trees, as this is often filled with pesticides and fire retardants that leach from the tree.

Holiday Pet Safety

The additional noise, change in routine, and general chaos associated with the holiday season can be extremely stressful for some pets. This anxiety can lead to increased opportunities for escape. Make sure your pet is wearing a collar with ID tags at all times, and have your pet microchipped if you haven’t already.

When it comes to holiday pet safety, keep the following additional risks in mind:

  • Strings of lights and other electrical cords
  • Small decor that can be chewed on or swallowed
  • Lit candles
  • Potpourri or scented oils
  • Breakable ornaments and other fragile decor
  • Ribbons, string, and tinsel (especially dangerous to cats)

The Reason for the Season

Our pets add such joy and love to our lives, but it’s easy to overlook them in all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Whether it’s a walk through the neighborhood or just sitting quietly together, try to spend a little time each day with your sweet pet. It’s a wonderful way to honor the special bond you share.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our team for more information about holiday pet safety!